Thursday, October 28, 2004

It's not really work, it's just the power to charm.

Day two at the slipper job was okay. I forgot how tired working on your feet all day makes you, I haven't had to do it since 2001.

Things I like about my job:
* All the staff I've met so far (including bosses) have been really nice and friendly, and not in an annoyingly fake "service industry" sort of way either.
* They let me wear corduroy pants and hiking boots despite the fact that both of those are against the dress code dictated by corporate head office.
* I get a full hour for a meal break, which is awesome because it only takes me about 15 minutes to eat and I can spend the rest of the time down at Starbucks studying or just reading on a comfy sofa.
* Cheap slippers a-plenty! I bought these ones today that are sorta like fake UGG boots. They're awesome, it feels like you're walking on great thick mattresses all the time. Also we are allowed to actually wear slippers at work on weekends.
* Mall music doesn't blow as much as I remember. I heard David Bowie and Simple Minds today, for instance. Also heard the new Britney single at least three times in the three hours I was there this morning, but aside from that it's a lot of choice 80s tunes. This will not last, unfortunately. I predict Xmas music will slowly find its way into the mix within two weeks... surely they do it gradually... they can't just turn on you like that in one day.


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